Keystone Gaming Expo
Keystone Gaming Expo
At the Coventry Mall, Pottstown, PA
September 11th-12th, 2021
Preregister on Discord here:
Tournament Lineup
Magic: the Gathering Modern 2K
Main Event – Saturday, Sep. 1, 2021
Top 8 – Sunday, Sep. 12, 2021
Registration opens – 8:30 am
Event starts – Saturday 10:00 am, Sunday Noon
Format – Modern, Swiss followed by single-elimination playoffs
Entry fee $30
Caps at 128players
Prizing (cash)
- 1st: $800
- 2nd: $400
- 3rd & 4th: $200 each
- 5th–8th: $100 each
- 9th–16th: $50 each (only if there are 100 or more players **9th – 16th prizing will be paid out based on standings after Swiss rounds)**
Magic: the Gathering Legacy 1K
Sunday, Sep. 12, 2021
Registration opens – Sunday, 9:00 am
Event starts – Sunday 10:00 am
Format – Legacy, Swiss followed by single-elimination playoffs
Entry fee $35
Caps at 32 players
Prizing (cash)
- 1st: $400
- 2nd: $200
- 3rd & 4th: $100 each
- 5th–8th: $50 each
Magic: the Gathering Old Order Old School Meet-Up Tournament
Sunday, Sep. 12, 2021
Registration opens – 10:30 am
Event starts – Sunday Noon
Entry fee $10
Caps at 32 players
5 rounds of Swiss then based on standings
Prizing (cash)
This is a casual event geared to get people out together and playing again, possibly for the first time slinging old school cards in over 18+ months.
Top 8 gets cool old school cards
Spiciest Deck gets a sweet card
Notes: Each player please bring an old school card to get signed by everyone and added to the prize pool.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Nintendo Switch Tournament
Main Event – Saturday, Sep. 11, 2021
Top 8 – Sunday, Sep. 12, 2021
Registration opens – 10:30 am
Event starts – Saturday Noon, Sunday Noon
Format: Advanced Constructed, Swiss followed by single-elimination playoffs
Entry fee $25
Each player gets 5 OTS packs or 6 booster packs upon entry
Caps at 128 players
- 1st: Nintendo Switch + 1 Booster Box
- 2nd: Nintendo Switch
- 3rd & 4th: 2 Booster Boxes each
- 5th–8th: 1 Booster Box each
- 9th–16th: 12 Booster Packs each (only if there are 100 or more players **9th – 16th prizing will be paid out based on standings after Swiss rounds)**
Settlers of Catan Tournaments
Tournament #1 ($20) – Saturday, Sep. 11, 2021
Registration opens – 8:30 am
Event starts – 9:00 am
Entry fee $20
Caps at 32 players
- 1st: Invite to Nationals + $400 travel voucher for airfare to Nationals
- Top 16: Catan Studios prize support
Tournament #2 ($5) – Sunday, Sep. 12
Registration opens – 8:30 am
Event starts – 9:00 am
Entry fee $5
Caps at 32 players
- 1st: Invite to Nationals + Table Credit based on # of players
- Top 16: Catan Studios prize support
Digimon Tournament
Sunday, Sep. 12, 2021
Registration opens – Noon
Event starts – 1:00 pm
Entry fee $20
Caps at 32 players
Prizing (cash)
- 1st: $200
- 2nd: $100
- 3rd & 4th: $50 each
- 5th–8th: $20 each
Pokémon TCG Tournament
Sunday, Sep. 12, 2021
Registration opens – 9:30 am
Event starts – 10:30 am
Format: Standard
Entry fee $20
Caps at 64 players
- 1st: 3 Evolving Skies Booster Boxes
- 2nd: 2 Evolving Skies Booster Boxes
- 3rd & 4th: 1 Evolving Skies Booster Box each
- 5th–8th: 12 Booster Packs of Evolving Skies each
Flesh & Blood TCG Tournament
Sunday, Sep. 12, 2021
Registration opens – 10:30 am
Event starts – 11:30 am
Classic Constructed Format
Entry fee $20
Caps at 32 players
Prizing (cash)
- 1st: $200
- 2nd: $100
- 3rd & 4th: $50 each
- 5th–8th: $20 each