Pokemon Philadelphia Region City Champs, BLACK FRIDAY & SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY SALES AND EVENTS, and FNM Schedule
Pokemon Philadelphia Region City Champs!
We are pleased to announce our next Pokemon City Champs! Saturday November, 23rd starting at 10 AM. The format is Modified Constructed and Pokemon’s current rule structures will be enforced. Deck lists will be required. Junior and Senior players play for FREE. Masters will have a small entry fee of $10. Booster packs will be awarded to the top finishers in each age category. Qualifier points will be awarded based on the number of players in each age group. The Store will open at 9 AM on this day. Hope to see you there.
The Holiday season at DMIG kicks off on Friday November 29th with great sales and several fun events. We will offer sales on all of our merchandise lines including Magic, Pokemon, YuGiOh, and much more. There will be items at up to 50% off the regular price! Look for specials such as:
25% off all Pokemon singles in the binders
50% off all Heroclix Boosters and Starters
25% off select Magic items
25% off all Dungeons & Dragons books & box sets
25% off select YuGiOh sealed products
We will open at 9AM on Friday November 29th, and our weekend of special events start soon afterwards. Here is the schedule:
Friday 11/29 10AM – $10 Return to Ravnica Block Draft! Thats right, we jump back in time one block and revisit one of Magic’s most popular blocks with a booster draft. Each player will receive 1 pack each of Return to Ravnica, Gatecrash, and Dragon’s Maze. One additional pack will be placed into the prize pool, with prizes going to the top half of the field.
Friday 11/29 2 PM – Backdraft! One of our favorite casual booster draft formats returns for the holidays. Each player will supply 3 Magic booster packs of their choice. Got an Urza’s Saga pack sitting around? Bring it. Enjoyed Invasion? Bring it. Want to see how M13 works in this format? Bring it. Any three 15 card booster packs will work. So buy them from us, or bring your own. But wait, the crazy interaction has just begun. Unlike a normal booster draft, your task in a Backdraft is to attempt to draft the WORST deck possible. Sounds easy? Just what do you do with that 15th pick Griselbrand or Tolarian Academy? And then finally, once you’re done drafting that terrible pile of cards, you will swap decks with another player. NOW its your job to build a winning deck with all that trash! GREAT FUN. Don’t miss it. $5 entry fee. Draft winner and player that drafted the deck will split the prize pool in store credit.
Saturday 11/30 6 PM – Magic “Anything Goes” Tournament! This is the ULTIMATE casual Magic format. You will build a minimum 60 card deck. Sideboard is allowed. ALL cards are legal except the following:
Any Manual Dexterity Cards
Any Ante Cards
Any Gold Border Cards
Yep, Unglued and Unhinged cards are legal and there are no restricted cards. Got 4 Black Lotus? Play’em. Matches are best 2 of 3. Entry fee is $10. First place wins a FTV-20! Additional prizes based on attendance.
All our other usual weekend events will go on as scheduled. Friday Night Magic, Pokemon, YuGiOh, and D & D.
So stop in, get a great deal on some gaming items, and play in one of our fun events. Gobble Gobble from DMIG!
November Friday Night Magic
This months promo card is Grisly Salvage!
11/1 Booster Draft + Standard
11/8 Booster Draft + Modern
11/15 Booster Draft + Standard
11/22 Booster Draft + Modern
11/29 Booster Draft + Standard
Play starts at 7pm. Constructed formats $5 entry fee, Draft entry fee $15. 1.5 packs per player are put into the prize pool and divided among the top half of the field. 1st and 2nd place each receive the November promo card along with two random players who did not receive a pack prize.