September Magic Vintage Series at DMIG
Have you ever wanted to see a real Black Lotus in play?
Have you ever tapped Mox Sapphire, Sol Ring and Island to play a turn 1 Jace, the Mindsculpter?
How about Drawing your entire deck turn 1 with Mystic Forge?
Ever play with, next to, or against a World Champion?
If not (or possibly even if you have), come out and check out our vintage tournament series. We allow 15 proxies (new players who are looking to play, talk to me about proxying your ENTIRE deck for the first few tournaments).
Doors open at 11, tournament starts at Noon(ish) when all players arive. Cost is $35 with $30 cash going to the prize pool and $5 going to the end of the year tournament series prize pool.
New players to the format OR watchers welcome. Come for a good time. Leave with some stories.