Too Many Games Convention Important Info
Deal Me In Games in conjunction with Too Many Games is pleased to announce a very special weekend of gaming!
June 14th – 16th, 2013 at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center Oaks, Pa.
The Expo Center is located just off Rt. 422 in Oaks, Pa. (10 min from King of Prussia & the Valley Forge exit of the Pa. turnpike) Please visit their web site for additional info and directions at:
Please visit the Too Many Games web site at for additional information on the convention including: video game tournaments, dealers room, panels, start times for events and updates concerning the con!
Saturday, June 15th
MODERN MASTERS BOOSTER DRAFT – $30 (Includes entry into convention)
Start time: 11am – SHARP!
1st – Booster Box of Modern Masters
2nd – Future Sight Tarmogoyf
3rd – 8th Table Credit at DMIG booth based on attendance
YuGiOh Advanced Constructed – $30 (Includes entry into convention)
Time: 1PM
Prizes: 1st iPad Mini
2nd (2) Booster Boxes
3rd & 4th (1) Booster box each
5th-8th DMIG table credit
Pokemon Modified Constructed – $20 (Includes entry into convention)
Time: 3PM
Prizes: 1st Box of Plasma Freeze
2nd 1/2 Box
3rd-4th 1/4 Box.
There will also be an additional prize for the top Junior & Senior players!
Settlers of Catan Tournament – $20 (Includes entry into convention)
Time: 3PM
Format: Play in 4 player pods, winner of each pod moves on to finals pod.
Prizes: 1st Copy of Settlers of Catan or Board Game of Choice from DMIG table.
Hope to see you all there.